After much thought and deliberation, I made the choice yesterday to step down from being an Assistant Manager. The stress of getting last minute child-care, being away from my family (mostly Chris), and spending so much on gas was really getting to me. When I spoke to my District Manager, he said he didn't want me to reach a breaking point. My response was that I had reached that point a week ago.
The plan is for me to stay at my current location, which doesn't answer the gas aspect, but I do enjoy my coworkers. I might be able to work at my old store (which is super close to home) as needed. I spoke with my store Manager last night, and she was incredibly supportive. She agrees that this is what is best for my family. She also said that she still wants to give me as many hours as I want, with the catch being that it will be within MY availability. That will be fantastic - not having to line up a different friend/sitter every day. I am hoping to still work close to full-time status, because of course we have preschool tuition, car payment, mortgage, etc., but now I will have more flexibility and a LOT less pressure to conform my schedule.
I am looking forward to having dinner with my family more often (it happens at most 2 times a week currently).
I am looking forward to going to bed with my husband, instead of coming home to a sleeping house.
I am looking forward to helping with the boys bedtime routine.
I am looking forward to being able to make plans to go out of town without guilt regarding my work schedule.
I am looking forward to averaging more than 5 hours of sleep at night.
I just got the nicest email from my friend Brittany, responding to my news. I'd like to share part of it because it made me feel very good about my decision.
"In my many years of retail and business, it was very bold of you to step down. You showed initiative and responsibility doing it. Honestly, for someone who was working just to get away from the kids for a bit and make a few dollars, I was surprised when you took the position, but I am glad it's going to work out for you in the long run. That's very important. You can't be at your best when your stressed out. Hopefully, you have found some relief in this and can relax now knowing you have things figured out. Breathe. God's watching out for you. ;)"