Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday afternoon

Both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home from church.
Cameron woke up when Chris got him out of the car and randomly started yelling about wanting to see the duck in the water. Mmhmm.
Chris got him up into bed, but he had a hard time settling down and wanted a pink balloon (that blew away today...oops) and his "blue water" (really big blue water bottle).
He finally settled down, and I took Ian upstairs to get his diaper changed before his nap. Everything was silent as we walked upstairs, and then I heard a crackling sound.
I looked into Cameron's room and all I saw was that he was on the floor, completely covered by his blanket. (He sleeps on the floor more often than not.)
I asked him if he was awake, and he removed the cover from his face, and gave me a huge, chocolate covered grin.
Little boy found a candy bar and smuggled it into his room and was covered. I think his chocolate-loving daddy was proud.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rain - Sun - Rain - Sun

It rained all morning.
The sun came out after lunch so we decided to take the kids to a park.
As soon as we got there it started pouring.
We drove home.
We got a very upset 2-year-old into the house and down for a nap.
The sun came out.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dinner with the Durfees

Tonight Chris coerced me to go out and get some food. We're at the point grocery-wise that unless we wanted pasta and sauce for the third time this week or breakfast for dinner (knowing full well that I'll be making pancakes in the morning), I either had to go to the grocery store or just grab some food from a fast food establishment. I opted for Chipotle and got burritos for both of us (steak and barbacoa, if you were curious) and a chicken quesadilla for C-man. (Side note: their kids meals are awesome - for around $3.50 he got a chicken and cheese quesadilla, sides of rice and beans, a small bag of tortilla chips, and organic chocolate milk!)

When we were sitting down to eat, Ian started acting up. Baby boy likes to eat. I've read that babies will stop eating when they're full, but somehow I doubt Ian would fit into that category. I grabbed him some teething biscuits and om nom nom, he went to town. (Kandice, you might not want to read this next part.) Kid was drooling frothy white biscuit all over the place, with this look of wild intensity. We were laughing about it and for whatever reason, Chris said, "That's what he'll look like when he's 7. Only he'll be eating squirrel." Yeah. Random, right? Except at this point, my weak constitution started making me feel sick. With every bite Ian took, I was imagining squirrel. And of course Chris was making comments about what part of the squirrel Ian was eating. Nasty.

Somewhere around this point I realized we had forgotten to say grace. That's actually pretty normal, unfortunately. I usually remember about halfway through the meal. So at that point, I said, "Cameron, would you like to pray?" And we all know what he said: "Shut your eyes!"

"Dear God, Thank you for rice. Thank you for rice. Thank you for rice. Amen!" (Any guesses on what the last thing was that he had looked at?)

Chris got up to get Ian some "real" food (baby oatmeal mixed with bananas), and I preceded to quietly mash up some of Cameron's black beans, sans skin, and feed it to Ian. He wasn't super thrilled, but I think that had more to do with the plastic fork I was using to feed him. The best part was when Chris sat down to feed Ian, and freaked out about the black goo coming out of Ian's mouth. Priceless.

Until he brought up the squirrel again.

My Biddy Boy

I call Ian my Biddy Baby. It must have started out as Itty Bitty, but somewhere down the line it became Biddy. I just love my littlest man. He makes my face light up every time I see him. These are my most recent shots of my almost-crawler.

Nap time

This cracked me up. As I was about to propose to Cameron that he take a nap, I said, "So, do you wanna...?" And before I could continue, he said, "Yeah!" I don't know why I found it so funny, but he must trust his mommy that if I'm asking something it must be good. ;)

Nap time!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Did I Say That?

I find myself speaking before thinking a lot. Especially with Cameron. Yesterday I said, "Get your penis off my leg." Gross statement in retrospect, but at least it got my point across.

Today, while emptying out Cameron's little potty into the toilet for the umpteenth time, I remarked, "you pee as much as a racehorse!" To which a little voice answered me back, "Like a racehorse?!"

You just never know when they're actually paying attention. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Dear God"

My little man loves to pray. He'll start by telling whoever is around to shut their eyes. Once he is satisfied that no one is peeking, he'll say a big drawn out, "Dear God." I wish I could adequately describe the way he says it, but believe me when I say it makes me laugh every time. :)

Then comes the "thank you for"s. Sometimes there is only one item, and then a quick "Amen." Other times there are ten people or things he wants to thank God for.

I intend to share some of his daily prayers here. You just never know what you might hear coming out of this kid's mouth.

Four Heart Questions

(from Just Like Jesus Devotional by Max Lucado)

By answering four simple questions, we can be more like Jesus; we can stay on course with our lives.


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." -Colossians 3:23 (NIV)


I've tried the blog thing. I've given up in the past. I'm trying again.

Welcome to My Two Dollars.